Sample Files

The Microsoft Word Developer's Kit disk includes several files that are referred to in "Learning WordBasic."



EXAMPLES.DOT (MACRO EXAMPLES on the Macintosh disk)

A template containing the sample macros described in "Learning WordBasic."

INVOICE2.DOT (INVOICE FORM on the Macintosh disk)

The invoice form template described in Chapter 9, "More WordBasic Techniques."



NWIND.XLS (NORTHWIND DATABASE on the Macintosh disk)

A Microsoft Excel workbook used by the invoice form described in Chapter 9, "More WordBasic Techniques."

POSITION.TXT (not available on the Macintosh disk)

A text file that lists the order of arguments for WordBasic statements and functions. This file is useful if you are using
a Visual Basic® version 3.0 application to send WordBasic instructions through OLE Automation. For more information about using OLE Automation with Word, see "Using OLE Automation" in Chapter 8, "Communicating with Other Applications."

STARTER.WIZ (STARTER WIZARD on the Macintosh disk)

A blank wizard that contains the routines shared by all Word wizards, as described in Chapter 9, "More WordBasic Techniques."


A wizard that makes a wizard according to your specifications.

WIN16API.TXT and WIN32API.TXT (not available on the Macintosh disk)

A text file containing prewritten Declare instructions for calling Windows application programming interface (API) functions from WordBasic; for more information about using Windows API functions, see "Calling Routines in DLLs" in Chapter 9, "More WordBasic Techniques."

Loading the Sample Files

The sample files referred to in "Learning WordBasic" are located in the WRDBASIC folder on the Windows disk and the WORDBASIC folder on the Macintosh disk. To use them, you need to copy the files to your hard disk.



Accessing the Macro Examples

To run the macros in the EXAMPLES.DOT template (Windows) or MACRO EXAMPLES template (Macintosh), you can use the Templates command (File menu) to load the template as a global template. When the template is loaded as a global template, you can use the Macro command (Tools menu) to run the macros. You can also use the Organizer dialog box (Macro command, Tools menu) to copy the macros to another template. To view or edit the macros, you can open the template directly or copy the macros to another open template, and then use the Macro command (Tools menu) to open a macro in a macro-editing window.