Statements and Functions Used Only in Word Version 7.0

The following statements and functions were added to Word version 7.0 and therefore cannot be run in earlier versions of Word. For more detailed lists and descriptions of each new WordBasic statement and function, see "What's New in WordBasic" in Word version 7.0 Help.

Statement or function


CountAutoCorrectExceptions(); GetAutoCorrectException$(); IsAutoCorrectException(); ToolsAutoCorrectCapsLockOff, ToolsAutoCorrectCapsLockOff(); ToolsAutoCorrectExceptions

Control new AutoCorrect features

AddAddress; GetAddress$(); InsertAddress; MailMergeUseAddressBook

Add addresses to or return addresses from the default MAPI address book

Statement or function


Highlight; HighlightColor, HighlightColor()

Apply highlighting format

CountDocumentProperties(); DeleteDocumentProperty; DocumentPropertyExists(); DocumentPropertyName$(); DocumentPropertyType(); FileProperties; GetDocumentProperty(), GetDocumentProperty$(); IsCustomDocumentProperty(); IsDocumentPropertyReadOnly(); SetDocumentProperty; SetDocumentPropertyLink

Set and access built-in and custom document properties

EditFindHighlight; EditFindNotHighlight; EditReplaceHighlight; EditReplaceNotHighlight

Specify additional formats in find and replace operations

AutomaticChange; HelpMSN; ShowMe; TipWizard

Use new Help features

DocumentHasMisspellings(); NextMisspelling; SpellChecked, SpellChecked(); ToolsSpellingRecheckDocument

Control background spelling features


Indicates the level of protection for the active document


Posts the active document to a public folder in Microsoft Exchange

MailCheckNames; MailHideMessageHeader; MailMessageDelete; MailMessageForward; MailMessageMove; MailMessageNext; MailMessagePrevious; MailMessageProperties; MailMessageReply; MailMessageReplyAll; MailSelectNames

Manage Word Mail messages