

EditFindPara [.LeftIndent = number or text] [, .RightIndent = number or text] [, .Before = number or text] [, .After = number or text] [, .LineSpacingRule = number] [, .LineSpacing = number or text] [, .Alignment = number] [, .WidowControl = number] [, .KeepWithNext = number] [, .KeepTogether = number] [, .PageBreak = number] [, .NoLineNum = number] [, .DontHyphen = number] [, .Tab = number] [, .FirstIndent = number or text]


When followed by an EditFind or EditReplace instruction in which .Format is set to 1, specifies the paragraph formatting of the text you want to find. You can set .WidowControl, .KeepWithNext, .KeepTogether, .PageBreak, .NoLineNum, and .DontHyphen to one of the three following values.

Use this value

To do this


Find text regardless of whether it has the format

0 (zero)

Find text that does not have the format


Find text that has the format

For more information on the arguments, see FormatParagraph. For an example, see EditReplacePara.

See Also

EditFind, EditFindBorder, EditFindFont, EditFindFrame, EditFindLang, EditFindStyle, EditFindTabs, EditReplace, EditReplacePara, FormatParagraph