

EditSubscribeOptions [.GetManually = number] [, .GetEditionNow = number] [, .Format = number] [, .KeepFormatting = number]


On the Macintosh, sets options for the selected subscriber. The arguments for the EditSubscribeOptions statement correspond to the options in the Subscriber Options dialog box (Publishing command, Edit menu). In Windows, EditSubscribeOptions is not available and generates an error.




Specifies how the subscriber is updated:

0 (zero) or omitted Automatically (the subscriber is updated whenever a change is made to the edition)

1 Manually (the subscriber is updated on demand)


If 1, immediately updates the subscriber with changes in the current edition.


Specifies a format for subscribing to the edition:

0 (zero) or omitted Best

1 Formatted text (RTF)

2 Unformatted text

3 Picture


If 1, preserves formatting changes made in the subscriber.

See Also

EditCreatePublisher, EditLinks, EditPublishOptions, EditSubscribeTo