Determines whether Name$ is an "empty" bookmark. An empty bookmark marks only a location for the insertion point in a document; it does not mark any text. You can use EmptyBookmark() to verify that a bookmark (for example, a bookmark referred to in a REF field) does indeed mark text.
This function returns the following values.
Value | Explanation | |
–1 | If the bookmark is empty (that is, it marks no text) | |
0 (zero) | If the bookmark is not empty or does not exist |
This example verifies that the bookmark referred to in each REF field both exists and is not empty. If a reference to a nonexistent or empty bookmark is encountered, an appropriate message box is displayed.
StartOfDocument ViewFieldCodes 1 EditFind .Find = "^d REF", .Format = 0, .Wrap = 0 While EditFindFound() CharLeft WordRight 2 WordRight 1, 1 mark$ = RTrim$(Selection$()) If Not ExistingBookmark(mark$) Then MsgBox mark$ + " is not a bookmark." ElseIf EmptyBookmark(mark$) Then MsgBox mark$ + " is an empty bookmark." End If CharRight EditFind .Find = "^d REF", .Format = 0, .Wrap = 0 Wend
See Also
BookmarkName$(), CmpBookmarks(), CountBookmarks(), EditBookmark, ExistingBookmark(), GetBookmark$()