Returns the path and filename of the global template or add-in whose position in the list of global templates and add-ins in the Templates And Add-ins dialog box (Templates command, File menu) corresponds to AddInID: 1 corresponds to the first template or add-in, 2 to the second, and so on.
This example displays a list of the current global templates and add-ins in a message box:
size = CountAddIns() - 1 Dim GlobalAddIns$(size) For i = 0 To size GlobalAddIns$(i) = GetAddInName$(i + 1) msg$ = msg$ + GlobalAddIns$(i) + Chr$(13) Next MsgBox msg$, "Current Global Templates and Add-ins"
See Also
AddAddIn, AddInState, ClearAddIns, CountAddIns(), DeleteAddIn, GetAddInID()