

Insert Text$


Inserts the specified text at the insertion point. You can insert characters such as quotation marks, tab characters, nonbreaking hyphens, and newline characters using the Chr$() function with Insert. You can insert numbers by first converting them to text with the Str$() function.


This example inserts the text "Hamlet" (without quotation marks) at the insertion point:

Insert "Hamlet"

The following example inserts the text "Hamlet" enclosed in quotation marks at the insertion point:

Insert Chr$(34) + "Hamlet" + Chr$(34)

This example inserts the text "GroupA:35" at the insertion point. To create the number portion of the string, Str$() converts a numeric variable to a string, and LTrim$() removes the leading space that is automatically added by Str$().

num = 35
num$ = LTrim$(Str$(num))
Insert "GroupA:" + num$

See Also

Chr$(), InsertPara, LTrim$(), Str$()