InsertDatabase [.Format = number] [, .Style = number] [, .LinkToSource = number] [, .Connection = text] [, .SQLStatement = text] [, .SQLStatement1 = text] [, .PasswordDoc = text] [, .PasswordDot = text] [, .DataSource = text] [, .From = text] [, .To = text] [, .IncludeFields = number]
Retrieves data from a data source (for example, a separate Word document, a Microsoft Excel worksheet, or a Microsoft Access database) and inserts it into the active document as a table.
Argument | Explanation |
.Format | Specifies a format listed under Formats in the Table AutoFormat dialog box (Table menu): 0 (zero) corresponds to the first format in the list ("none"), 1 corresponds to the second format, and so on. |
.Style | Specifies which attributes of the format specified by .Format to apply to the table. Use the sum of any combination of the following values: 0 None 1 Borders 2 Shading 4 Font 8 Color 16 Auto Fit 32 Heading Rows 64 Last Row 128 First Column 256 Last Column |
.LinkToSource | If 1, establishes a link between the new table and the data source. |
.Connection | Specifies a range within which to perform the query. How you specify the range depends on how data is retrieved. For example: u When retrieving data using ODBC (Windows only), you specify a connection string. u When retrieving data from Microsoft Excel using dynamic data exchange (DDE), you specify a named range. u When retrieving data from Microsoft Access (Windows only), you specify the word "Table" or "Query" followed by the name of a table or query. |
Argument | Explanation |
.SQLStatement | An optional query string that retrieves a subset of the data in a primary data source to insert into the document (Windows only). |
.SQLStatement1 | If the query string is longer than 255 characters, .SQLStatement specifies the first portion of the string and .SQLStatement1 specifies the second portion (Windows only). |
.PasswordDoc | The password (if any) required to open the data source. |
.PasswordDot | If the data source is a Word document, the password (if any) required to open the attached template. |
.DataSource | The path and filename of the data source. |
.From | The number of the first data record in the range of records you want to insert. |
.To | The number of the last data record in the range of records you want to insert. |
.IncludeFields | If 1, field names from the data source appear in the first row of the new table. |
To generate the connection and query strings automatically, record the actions you take in the Database dialog box (Insert menu) as a macro.
See Also
InsertExcelTable, MailMergeCreateDataSource