

InsertDatabase [.Format = number] [, .Style = number] [, .LinkToSource = number] [, .Connection = text] [, .SQLStatement = text] [, .SQLStatement1 = text] [, .PasswordDoc = text] [, .PasswordDot = text] [, .DataSource = text] [, .From = text] [, .To = text] [, .IncludeFields = number]


Retrieves data from a data source (for example, a separate Word document, a Microsoft Excel worksheet, or a Microsoft Access database) and inserts it into the active document as a table.




Specifies a format listed under Formats in the Table AutoFormat dialog box (Table menu): 0 (zero) corresponds to the first format in the list ("none"), 1 corresponds to the second format, and so on.


Specifies which attributes of the format specified by .Format to apply to the table. Use the sum of any combination of the following values:

0 None

1 Borders

2 Shading

4 Font

8 Color

16 Auto Fit

32 Heading Rows

64 Last Row

128 First Column

256 Last Column


If 1, establishes a link between the new table and the data source.


Specifies a range within which to perform the query. How you specify the range depends on how data is retrieved. For example:

u When retrieving data using ODBC (Windows only), you specify a connection string.

u When retrieving data from Microsoft Excel using dynamic data exchange (DDE), you specify a named range.

u When retrieving data from Microsoft Access (Windows only), you specify the word "Table" or "Query" followed by the name of a table or query.




An optional query string that retrieves a subset of the data in a primary data source to insert into the document (Windows only).


If the query string is longer than 255 characters, .SQLStatement specifies the first portion of the string and .SQLStatement1 specifies the second portion (Windows only).


The password (if any) required to open the data source.


If the data source is a Word document, the password (if any) required to open the attached template.


The path and filename of the data source.


The number of the first data record in the range of records you want to insert.


The number of the last data record in the range of records you want to insert.


If 1, field names from the data source appear in the first row of the new table.


To generate the connection and query strings automatically, record the actions you take in the Database dialog box (Insert menu) as a macro.

See Also

InsertExcelTable, MailMergeCreateDataSource