

InsertFile .Name = text [, .Range = text] [, .ConfirmConversions = number] [, .Link = number]


Inserts all or part of the specified file at the insertion point.




The path and filename of the file to insert. If the path is not specified, the current folder is assumed.


If the file specified by .Name is a Word document, .Range is a bookmark. If the file is another type (for example, a Microsoft Excel worksheet), .Range refers to a named range or cell range (for example, R1C1:R3C4). If Word cannot recognize .Range, an error occurs.


Specifies whether Word displays the Convert File dialog box when inserting files in formats other than Word Document format.


If 1, inserts an INCLUDETEXT field instead of the contents of the file itself.


This example inserts the contents of PRICES.DOC into the active document. On the Macintosh, substitute a path and filename such as HD:PRICES:PRICE LIST.

InsertFile .Name = "C:\PRICES\PRICES.DOC"

The following example inserts the portion of PRICES.DOC marked with the bookmark "sportscars" into the active document:

InsertFile .Name = "PRICES.DOC", .Range = "sportscars"

The following Windows example creates a new document and then inserts one INCLUDETEXT field for each file in the folder C:\TMP with the filename extension .TXT:

ChDir "C:\TMP"
name$ = Files$("*.TXT")
While name$ <> ""
    InsertFile name$, .Link = 1, .ConfirmConversions = 0
    name$ = Files$()

To change the previous example for the Macintosh, substitute ChDir "HD:TEMP FILES" and name$ = Files$(MacID$("TEXT")) for the second and third instructions, respectively.

See Also

InsertDatabase, InsertField