

MarkCitation [.LongCitation = text] [, .LongCitationAutoText = text] [, .Category = number] [, .ShortCitation = text] [, .NextCitation] [, .Mark] [, .MarkAll]


Inserts a TA (Table of Authorities Entry) field next to the text you select or next to every instance of the selected text.

The arguments for the MarkCitation statement correspond to the options in the Mark Citation dialog box (Table Of Authorities tab, Index And Tables command, Insert menu).




The long citation for the entry as it will appear in the table of authorities.


The name of an AutoText entry containing the long citation text you want to appear in the table of authorities (.LongCitation is ignored).


The number of the category (in the order of the list of categories in the Mark Citation dialog box) to associate with the entry: 1 corresponds to the first category in the list, 2 to the second category, and so on.


The short citation for the entry as it will appear in the list under Short Citation in the Mark Citation dialog box.


Finds the next instance of the text specified by .ShortCitation.


Inserts a TA (Table of Authorities Entry) field to the right of the selected text.


Inserts a TA (Table of Authorities Entry) field to the right of all instances of the selected text.

If you don't specify .NextCitation, .Mark, or .MarkAll, Word inserts a TA field to the right of the selected text.

See Also

InsertTableOfAuthorities, MarkIndexEntry, MarkTableOfContentsEntry