

OptionButton HorizPos, VertPos, Width, Height, Label$ [, .Identifier]


Creates an option button in a custom dialog box. An OptionGroup instruction is required for each series of related OptionButton instructions, which must be positioned directly following the OptionGroup instruction. Within a group of option buttons, only one button can be selected at a time.



HorizPos, VertPos

The horizontal and vertical distance of the upper-left corner of the rectangle containing both the option button and its associated text from the upper-left corner of the dialog box, in increments of 1/8 and 1/12 of the System font (Windows) or the dialog font (Macintosh).

Width, Height

The width and height of the rectangle, in increments of 1/8 and 1/12 of the System font (Windows) or the dialog font (Macintosh).


The label associated with the option button. An ampersand (&) precedes the character in Label$ that is the access key for selecting the option button.


An optional identifier used by statements in a dialog function that act on the option button. If omitted, the default identifier is the first two words in Label$ (or the entire string if Label$ is only one word). You should specify .Identifier because the identifier you assign remains the same regardless of changes you make to Label$.

For an example of OptionButton used in a complete dialog box definition, see OptionGroup.

See Also

CheckBox, GroupBox, OptionGroup, PushButton