

ToolsAutoCorrectExceptions [.Tab = number] [, .Name = text] [, .AutoAdd = number] [, .Add] [, .Delete]


Adds words to or deletes words from the list of AutoCorrect exceptions. The arguments for the ToolsAutoCorrectExceptions statement correspond to the options in the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box (AutoCorrect command, Tools menu). In Word version 6.0, ToolsAutoCorrectExceptions is unavailable and generates an error.




The tab where the exception is added or deleted:

0 (zero) First Letter

1 INitial CAps


The exception list entry to be added or deleted.


If 1, Word adds to the list of exceptions any word that the user changes back to its original spelling or capitalization after it has been automatically corrected.


Adds .Name to the exception list specified by .Tab.


Deletes .Name from the exception list specified by .Tab.

See Also

CountAutoCorrectExceptions(), GetAutoCorrectException$(), IsAutoCorrectException()