Represents the entire Microsoft Excel application. The Application object contains:
In Microsoft Excel, you can always access the Application object using the word "Application." The following example applies the Windows method to the Application object.
For all Microsoft Excel objects, the Application property returns the Microsoft Excel Application object. This can be useful when you are using OLE Automation to access Microsoft Excel objects in another application. The following example creates a Microsoft Excel worksheet object in another application and then opens a workbook in Microsoft Excel.
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet") xl.Application.Workbooks.Open "newbook.xls"
Many of the properties and methods that return the most common user-interface objects, such as the active cell (ActiveCell property) can be used without the Application object qualifier. For example, instead of writing Application.ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True, you can write ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True.
ActiveCell Property, ActiveChart Property, ActiveDialog Property, ActiveMenuBar Property, ActivePrinter Property, ActiveSheet Property, ActiveWindow Property, ActiveWorkbook Property, AlertBeforeOverwriting Property, AltStartupPath Property, Application Property, AskToUpdateLinks Property, AutoCorrect Property, CalculateBeforeSave Property, Calculation Property, Caller Property, CanPlaySounds Property, CanRecordSounds Property, Caption Property, CellDragAndDrop Property, ClipboardFormats Property, ColorButtons Property, CommandUnderlines Property, ConstrainNumeric Property, CopyObjectsWithCells Property, Creator Property, Cursor Property, CustomListCount Property, CutCopyMode Property, DataEntryMode Property, DDEAppReturnCode Property, DefaultFilePath Property, DisplayAlerts Property, DisplayClipboardWindow Property, DisplayExcel4Menus Property, DisplayFormulaBar Property, DisplayFullScreen Property, DisplayInfoWindow Property, DisplayNoteIndicator Property, DisplayRecentFiles Property, DisplayScrollBars Property, DisplayStatusBar Property, EditDirectlyInCell Property, EnableAnimations Property, EnableAutoComplete Property, EnableCancelKey Property, EnableTipWizard Property, FileConverters Property, FixedDecimal Property, FixedDecimalPlaces Property, Height Property, IgnoreRemoteRequests Property, Interactive Property, International Property, Iteration Property, LargeButtons Property, Left Property, LibraryPath Property, MailSession Property, MailSystem Property, MathCoprocessorAvailable Property, MaxChange Property, MaxIterations Property, MemoryFree Property, MemoryTotal Property, MemoryUsed Property, MouseAvailable Property, MoveAfterReturn Property, MoveAfterReturnDirection Property, Name Property, NetworkTemplatesPath Property, OnCalculate Property, OnData Property, OnDoubleClick Property, OnEntry Property, OnSheetActivate Property, OnSheetDeactivate Property, OnWindow Property, OperatingSystem Property, OrganizationName Property, Parent Property, Path Property, PathSeparator Property, PreviousSelections Property, PromptForSummaryInfo Property, RecordRelative Property,
ReferenceStyle Property, RegisteredFunctions Property, ScreenUpdating Property, Selection Property, SheetsInNewWorkbook Property, ShowToolTips Property, StandardFont Property, StandardFontSize Property, StartupPath Property, StatusBar Property, TemplatesPath Property, ThisWorkbook Property, Top Property, TransitionMenuKey Property, TransitionMenuKeyAction Property, TransitionNavigKeys Property, UsableHeight Property, UsableWidth Property, UserName Property, Value Property, Version Property, Visible Property, Width Property, WindowsForPens Property, WindowState Property.
ActivateMicrosoftApp Method, AddChartAutoFormat Method, AddCustomList Method, AddIns Method, Calculate Method, Cells Method, CentimetersToPoints Method, Charts Method, CheckSpelling Method, Columns Method, ConvertFormula Method, DDEExecute Method, DDEInitiate Method, DDEPoke Method, DDERequest Method, DDETerminate Method, DeleteChartAutoFormat Method, DeleteCustomList Method, Dialogs Method, DialogSheets Method, DoubleClick Method, Evaluate Method, Excel4IntlMacroSheets Method, Excel4MacroSheets Method, ExecuteExcel4Macro Method, FindFile Method, GetCustomListContents Method, GetCustomListNum Method, GetOpenFilename Method, GetSaveAsFilename Method, Goto Method, Help Method, InchesToPoints Method, InputBox Method, Intersect Method, MacroOptions Method, MailLogoff Method, MailLogon Method, MenuBars Method, Modules Method, Names Method, NextLetter Method, OnKey Method, OnRepeat Method, OnTime Method, OnUndo Method, Quit Method, Range Method, RecordMacro Method, RegisterXLL Method, Repeat Method, ResetTipWizard Method, Rows Method, Run Method, Save Method, SendKeys Method, SetDefaultChart Method, Sheets Method, ShortcutMenus Method, Toolbars Method, Undo Method, Union Method, Volatile Method, Wait Method, Windows Method, Workbooks Method, Worksheets Method.