Represents a single axis in a chart.
The Axis object is a member of the Axes collection. An individual member of the collection can be accessed with the Axes method by specifying the axis type (xlCategory, xlValue, or xlSeries) and optionally the axis group (xlPrimary or xlSecondary). Only 3-D charts have a series axis, and only 2-D charts can have a secondary axis group.
The following example sets the category axis title text on the chart sheet named "Chart1."
With Charts("chart1").Axes(xlCategory) .HasTitle = True .AxisTitle.Caption = "1995" End With
Application Property, AxisBetweenCategories Property, AxisGroup Property, AxisTitle Property, Border Property, CategoryNames Property, Creator Property, Crosses Property, CrossesAt Property, HasMajorGridlines Property, HasMinorGridlines Property, HasTitle Property, MajorGridlines Property, MajorTickMark Property, MajorUnit Property, MajorUnitIsAuto Property, MaximumScale Property, MaximumScaleIsAuto Property, MinimumScale Property, MinimumScaleIsAuto Property, MinorGridlines Property, MinorTickMark Property, MinorUnit Property, MinorUnitIsAuto Property, Parent Property, ReversePlotOrder Property, ScaleType Property, TickLabelPosition Property, TickLabels Property, TickLabelSpacing Property, TickMarkSpacing Property, Type Property.
Delete Method, Select Method.