BuiltInFace Property

Applies To

ToolbarButton Object.


True if the button is using its built-in face. False if the button has a custom face. Read-write.


This property can only be set to True, which forces the button to use its built-in face. You cannot set this property to False; to use a custom face, use the CopyFace and PasteFace methods (this sets the BuiltInFace property to False).

See Also

BuiltIn Property, CopyFace Method, PasteFace Method.


This example resets the face of each built-in button on the Standard toolbar that has a custom face.

For Each btn In Application.Toolbars("Standard").ToolbarButtons
    If btn.BuiltIn And Not btn.BuiltInFace Then
        If Not(btn.IsGap) Then  ' don't try to reset the separator gap!
            btn.BuiltInFace = True
        End If
    End If
Next btn