GoSub...Return Statement


Branch to and return from a subroutine within a procedure.


GoSub line
. . .
. . .

The line argument can be any line label or line number.


You can use GoSub and Return anywhere in a procedure, but GoSub and the corresponding Return must be in the same procedure. A subroutine can contain more than one Return statement, but the first Return statement encountered causes the flow of execution to branch back to the statement immediately following the most recently executed GoSub statement.


You can't enter or exit Sub procedures with GoSub...Return.


Creating separate procedures which you can call may provide a more structured alternative to using GoSub...Return.

See Also

End Statement; GoTo Statement; On...GoSub, On...GoTo Statements; Sub Statement.


This example uses GoSub to call a subroutine within a Sub procedure. The Return statement causes the execution to resume at the statement immediately following the Gosub statement. The Exit Sub statement is used to prevent control from accidentally flowing into the subroutine.

Sub GosubDemo()
    Num = 10    ' Initialize variable.
    GoSub MyRoutine    ' Branch to subroutine.
    Debug.Print Num    ' Print value upon return.
    Exit Sub    ' Exit Sub procedure.
MyRoutine:    ' Start of subroutine.
    Num = Num \ 2    ' Halve the value.
    Return    ' Return from subroutine.
End Sub