Represents a built-in or custom menu bar.
The MenuBar object is a member of the MenuBars collection. The MenuBars collection contains all of the menu bars available to Microsoft Excel. Use the Add method to create a new menu bar and add it to the collection. Use the Activate method to display a menu bar. To access a single member of the collection, use the MenuBars method with the menu bar caption or index number as an argument.
Several built-in constants are available for the menu bar index number, as shown in the following list.
Constant |
Description |
xlWorksheet |
Worksheet, macro sheet, and dialog sheet. |
xlChart |
Chart |
xlModule |
Visual Basic module |
xlNoDocuments |
No documents open |
xlInfo |
Info Window |
xlWorksheetShort |
Short Worksheet menu (for Microsoft Excel version 3 compatibility) |
xlChartShort |
Short Chart menu (for Microsoft Excel version 3 compatibility) |
xlWorksheet4 |
Old worksheet menu bar (for Microsoft Excel version 4 compatibility) |
xlChart4 |
Old chart menu bar (for Microsoft Excel version 4 compatibility) |
Microsoft Excel automatically displays the built-in menu bar appropriate to the active sheet. When the active sheet type changes, Microsoft Excel changes the menu bar. If you create a custom menu bar and display it using Visual Basic code, Microsoft Excel stops changing the menu bar to fit the active sheet, and your code must activate and deactivate the menu bar (if necessary) when the sheet type changes.
The following example adds a new menu item to the bottom of the File menu on the Visual Basic Module menu bar.
MenuBars(xlModule).Menus("file").MenuItems.Add "S&earch"
The following example creates a table on worksheet one. The table contains the captions of all the menus on all the menu bars in the application. The column headings are the menu bar captions, and the column entries under each heading are the menu captions on that menu bar.
Sub EnumerateMenuBars() Worksheets(1).Activate c = 1 For Each mb In MenuBars Cells(1, c) = mb.Caption i = 2 For Each mn In mb.Menus Cells(i, c) = mn.Caption i = i + 1 Next c = c + 1 Next End Sub
Application Property, BuiltIn Property, Caption Property, Creator Property, Index Property, Parent Property.
Activate Method, Delete Method, Menus Method, Reset Method.