A collection of all the MenuItem objects on the specified menu.
Use the Add method to add a new menu item to a menu. Use the AddMenu method to add a submenu. The following example adds a new menu item to the Help menu on the Visual Basic Module menu bar.
MenuBars(xlModule).Menus("help").MenuItems.Add "More Help"
Use the MenuItems method with an argument to access a single member of the collection or without an argument to access the entire collection at once. The following example creates a list on worksheet one that contains the menu items in the File menu on the Visual Basic Module menu bar.
Sub EnumerateFileMenu() Worksheets(1).Activate For r = 1 To MenuBars(xlModule).Menus("file").MenuItems.Count Worksheets(1).Cells(r, 1) = MenuBars(xlModule). _ Menus("file").MenuItems(r).Caption Next End Sub
Application Property, Count Property, Creator Property, Parent Property.
Add Method (MenuItems Collection), AddMenu Method, Item Method.