A collection of all the Oval objects on the specified chart sheet, dialog sheet, or worksheet.
Use the Add method to create a new oval and add it to the collection. The following example creates a new oval aligned with the left and top edges of cell C5 on the worksheet named "Sheet1." The new oval is twice as long and high as the cell, and its interior has a grid pattern.
Set r = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("c5") Set o = Worksheets("sheet1").Ovals.Add(r.Left, _ r.Top, 2 * r.Width, 2 * r.Height) o.Interior.Pattern = xlGrid
Use the Ovals method with an argument to access a single member of the collection or without an argument to access the entire collection at once. The following example sets the interior color for all the ovals on the worksheet named "Sheet1."
Worksheets("sheet1").Ovals.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Application Property, Border Property, Count Property, Creator Property, Enabled Property, Height Property, Interior Property, Left Property, Locked Property, OnAction Property, Parent Property, Placement Property, PrintObject Property, Shadow Property, Top Property, Visible Property, Width Property, ZOrder Property.
Add Method (Graphic Objects and Controls), BringToFront Method, Copy Method, CopyPicture Method, Cut Method, Delete Method, Duplicate Method, Group Method, Item Method, Select Method, SendToBack Method.