PivotItem Object


Represents an item in a pivot field. The items are the individual data entries in a field category.


The PivotItem object is a member of the PivotItems collection. The PivotItems collection contains all the items in a PivotField object.

To access a single member of the collection, use the PivotItems method with the pivot item index number or name as an argument.

Use the Name property to set or return the item name. The following example hides the entries containing the value "1998" in the year field.

Worksheets("sheet3").PivotTables(1) _
    .PivotFields("year").PivotItems("1998").Visible = False


Application Property, Creator Property, DataRange Property, LabelRange Property, Name Property, Parent Property, ParentItem Property, ParentShowDetail Property, Position Property, ShowDetail Property, SourceName Property, Value Property, Visible Property.


ChildItems Method.