Point Object


Represents a single point in a series in a chart.


The Point object is a member of the Points collection. The Points collection contains all of the points in one series. To access a single member of the collection, use the Points method with the point index number as an argument. Points are numbered from left to right on the series. Points(1) is the leftmost point; Points(Points.Count) is the rightmost point. The following example sets the marker style for point three in series one in embedded chart one on worksheet one. The specified series must be a 2-D line, scatter, or radar series.

Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart. _
    SeriesCollection(1).Points(3).MarkerStyle = xlDiamond


Application Property, Border Property, Creator Property, DataLabel Property, Explosion Property, HasDataLabel Property, Interior Property, InvertIfNegative Property, MarkerBackgroundColor Property, MarkerBackgroundColorIndex Property, MarkerForegroundColor Property, MarkerForegroundColorIndex Property, MarkerStyle Property, Parent Property, PictureType Property, PictureUnit Property.


ApplyDataLabels Method, ClearFormats Method, Copy Method, Delete Method, Paste Method (Point or Series Object), Select Method.