Recipients Property

Applies To

RoutingSlip Object.


Returns or sets the recipients on the routing slip (as an array of strings). Read-write.


The order of the recipient list defines the delivery order if the routing delivery option is xlOneAfterAnother. If a routing slip is in progress, only those recipients who have not already received and routed the document are returned or set.


This example sends BOOK1.XLS to three recipients, one after the other.

Workbooks("BOOK1.XLS").HasRoutingSlip = True
With Workbooks("BOOK1.XLS").RoutingSlip
    .Delivery = xlOneAfterAnother
    .Recipients = Array("Adam Bendel", "Jean Selva", "Bernard Gabor")
    .Subject = "Here is BOOK1.XLS"
    .Message = "Here is the workbook. What do you think?"
    .ReturnWhenDone = True
End With