Applies To
Drawing Object, DrawingObjects Collection, Drawings Collection.
Reshapes the drawing by inserting, moving, or deleting vertices.
object.Reshape(vertex, insert, left, top)
Required. The object to which this method applies.
Required. Specifies the vertex you want to insert, move, or delete.
Required. If True, Microsoft Excel inserts a vertex between the vertices vertex and vertex - 1. The number of the new vertex then becomes vertex. The number of the vertex previously identified by vertex becomes vertex + 1, and so on. If insert is False, Microsoft Excel deletes the vertex (if top and left are omitted) or moves the vertex to the position specified by the top and left arguments.
Optional. The left position for the new or moved vertex, in points (1/72 inch) relative to the upper-left corner of cell A1 or the upper-left corner of the chart.
Optional. The top position for the new or moved vertex, in points relative to the upper-left corner of cell A1 or the upper-left corner of the chart.
You cannot delete a vertex if only two vertices remain.
See Also
AddVertex Method, Vertices Property.
Assuming that drawing one on Sheet1 is a polygon with at least five vertices, this example reshapes the polygon by deleting vertex five.
Worksheets("Sheet1").Drawings(1).Reshape _ vertex:=5, Insert:=False