Series Object


Represents a series in a chart.


The Series object is a member of the SeriesCollection collection. Use the Add method to create a new series and add it to the collection. To access a single member of the collection, use the SeriesCollection method with the index number or name of the series as an argument.

The series index number indicates the order in which the series were added to the chart. SeriesCollection(1) is the first series added to the chart; SeriesCollection(SeriesCollection.Count) is the last. The following example sets the interior color for series one in embedded chart one on the worksheet named "Sheet1."

Worksheets("sheet1").ChartObjects(1).Chart. _
    SeriesCollection(1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)

Use the Name property to set or return the series name. The default name given when a series is created has the form "Seriesn", where n is a number. The following example sets the chart type for the series named "Series2" in embedded chart one on the worksheet named "Sheet1."

Worksheets("sheet1").ChartObjects(1).Chart. _
    SeriesCollection("series2").Type = xlLine


Application Property, AxisGroup Property, Border Property, Creator Property, ErrorBars Property, Explosion Property, Formula Property, FormulaLocal Property, FormulaR1C1 Property, FormulaR1C1Local Property, HasDataLabels Property, HasErrorBars Property, Interior Property, InvertIfNegative Property, MarkerBackgroundColor Property, MarkerBackgroundColorIndex Property, MarkerForegroundColor Property, MarkerForegroundColorIndex Property, MarkerStyle Property, Name Property, Parent Property, PictureType Property, PictureUnit Property, PlotOrder Property, Smooth Property, Type Property, Values Property, XValues Property.


ApplyDataLabels Method, ClearFormats Method, Copy Method, DataLabels Method, Delete Method, ErrorBar Method, Paste Method (Point or Series Object), Points Method, Select Method, Trendlines Method.