Trendlines Collection Object


A collection of all the Trendline objects for the specified series. Each Trendline object represents a trendline in a chart. A trendline shows the trend, or direction, of data in a series.


Use the Add method to create a new trendline and add it to the series. The following example adds a linear trendline to series one in embedded chart one on the worksheet named "Sheet1."

Worksheets("sheet1").ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1) _
    .Trendlines.Add type:=xlLinear, name:="Linear Trend"

Use the Trendlines method with an argument to access a single member of the collection or without an argument to access the entire collection at once.


Application Property, Count Property, Creator Property, Parent Property.


Add Method (Trendlines Collection), Item Method.