Macro Sheets Only

Generates descriptive statistics for data in the input range.

If this function is not available, you must install the Analysis ToolPak add-in macro.


DESCR(inprng, outrng, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confid)
DESCR?(inprng, outrng, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confid)

Inprng is the input range.

Outrng is the first cell (the upper-left cell) in the output table or the name, as text, of a new sheet to contain the output table. If FALSE, blank, or omitted, places the output table in a new workbook.

Grouped is a text character that indicates whether the data in the input range is organized by row or column.

Labels is a logical value that describes where the labels are located in the input range, as shown in the following table:



Labels are in



First row of the input range.



First column of the input range.

FALSE or omitted


No labels. All cells in the input range are data.

Summary is a logical value. If TRUE, DESCR reports the summary statistics. If FALSE or omitted, no summary statistics are reported.

Ds_large is an integer k. If ds_large is present, DESCR reports the k-th largest data point. If ds_large is omitted, the value is not reported.

Ds_small is an integer k. If ds_small is present, DESCR reports the k-th smallest data point. If ds_small is omitted, the value is not reported.

Confid is the confidence level of the mean. If confid is given, DESCR reports the confidence interval for the input range. If confid is omitted, the confidence interval is 95%. For more information about the confidence interval calculation, see CONFIDENCE.

Related Functions

List of Statistical Functions


Macro Sheets Only

Predicts a value based on the forecast for the prior period, adjusted for the error in that prior forecast.

If this function is not available, you must install the Analysis ToolPak add-in macro.


EXPON(inprng, outrng, damp, stderrs, chart)

Inprng is the input range.

Outrng is the first cell (the upper-left cell) in the output table or the name, as text, of a new sheet to contain the output table. If FALSE, blank, or omitted, places the output table in a new workbook.

Damp is the damping factor. If omitted, damp is 0.3.

Stderrs is a logical value. If TRUE, standard error values are included in the output table. If FALSE, standard errors are not included.

Chart is a logical value. If TRUE, EXPON generates a chart for the actual and forecast values. If FALSE, the chart is not generated.

Related Functions

MOVEAVG Returns values along a moving average trend