Macro Sheets Only
Closes the active window. In Microsoft Excel for Windows, CLOSE is equivalent to choosing the Close command from the Document Control menu. In Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, CLOSE is equivalent to clicking the close box.
CLOSE(save_logical, route_logical)
Save_logical is a logical value that specifies whether to save the file before closing the window.
Save_logical Result
TRUE Saves the file
FALSE Does not save the file
Omitted If you've made changes to the file, displays a dialog box asking if you want to save the file
Route_logical is a logical value that specifies whether to route the file after closing it. This argument is ignored if there is not a routing slip present.
Route_logical Result
TRUE Routes the file
FALSE Does not route the file
Omitted If you've specified recipients for routing, displays a dialog box asking if you want to save the file
Note When you use the CLOSE function, Microsoft Excel does not run any Auto_Close macros before closing the workbook.
Related Functions
CLOSE.ALL Closes all windows
FILE.CLOSE Closes the active workbook
SAVE Saves the active workbook
List of Command-Equivalent Functions