Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to clicking the reshape button on the Drawing toolbar and then inserting, moving, or deleting vertices of the selected polygon. A vertex is a point defined by a pair of coordinates in one row of the array that defines the polygon. The array is created by CREATE.OBJECT and EXTEND.POLYGON functions.


FORMAT.SHAPE(vertex_num, insert, reference, x_offset, y_offset)

Vertex_num is a number corresponding to the vertex you want to insert, move, or delete.

Insert is a logical value specifying whether to insert a vertex, or move or delete a vertex.

Reference is the reference from which the vertex you are inserting or moving is measured; that is, the cell or range of cells to use as the basis for the x and y offsets.

X_offset is the horizontal distance from the upper-left corner of reference to the vertex. X_offset is measured in points. A point is 1/72nd of an inch. If reference is omitted, x_offset specifies the horizontal distance from the upper-left corner of the polygon bounding rectangle.

Y_offset is the vertical distance from the upper-left corner of reference to the vertex. Y_offset is measured in points. If reference is omitted, y_offset specifies the vertical distance from the upper-left corner of the polygon bounding rectangle.


You cannot delete a vertex if only two vertices remain.


The following macro formula deletes the second vertex of the selected polygon:


The following macro formula moves the thirteenth vertex 6 points to the right and 4 points below the upper-left corner of cell B5 on the active worksheet:

FORMAT.SHAPE(13, FALSE, !$B$5, 6, 4)

The following macro formula inserts a new vertex between vertices 2 and 3. The new vertex is 60 points to the right and 75 points below the upper-left corner of the polygon's bounding rectangle:

FORMAT.SHAPE(3, TRUE, , 60, 75)

Related Functions

CREATE.OBJECT Creates an object

EXTEND.POLYGON Adds vertices to a polygon

List of Command-Equivalent Functions