Macro Sheets Only

Returns information about a button or buttons on a toolbar. Use GET.TOOL to get information about a button to use with functions that add, delete, or alter buttons.


GET.TOOL(type_num, bar_id, position)

Type_num specifies what type of information you want GET.TOOL to return.

Type_num Returns

1 The button's ID number. Gaps are represented by zeros.

2 The reference of the macro assigned to the button. If no macro is assigned, GET.TOOL returns the #N/A error value.

3 If the button is down, returns TRUE. If the button is up, returns FALSE.

4 If the button is enabled, returns TRUE. If the button is disabled, returns FALSE.

5 A logical value indicating the type of the face on the button:
TRUE = bitmap
FALSE = a default button face

6 The help_text reference associated with the custom button. If the button is built-in, returns #N/A.

7 The balloon_text reference associated with the custom button. If the button is built-in, returns the #N/A error value.

8 The Help context string associated with the custom button.

9 The Tip_text associated with the custom button.

Bar_id specifies the number or name of the toolbar for which you want information. For detailed information about bar_id, see ADD.TOOL.

Position specifies the position of the button on the toolbar. Position starts with 1 at the left side (if horizontal) or at the top (if vertical). A position can be occupied by a button or a gap.


The following macro formula requests the help text associated with the third button in Toolbar2:

GET.TOOL(6, "Toolbar2", 3)

Related Functions

ADD.TOOL Adds one or more buttons to a toolbar

DELETE.TOOL Deletes a button from a toolbar

ENABLE.TOOL Enables or disables a button on a toolbar

GET.TOOLBAR Retrieves information about a toolbar

List of Information Functions