Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Move command from the Control menu in Microsoft Excel for Windows or moving a window by dragging its title bar or its icon. Moves the active window so that its upper-left corner is at the specified horizontal and vertical positions. The dialog-box form, WINDOW.MOVE?, is supported only in Microsoft Excel for Windows.


WINDOW.MOVE(x_pos, y_pos, window_text)
WINDOW.MOVE?(x_pos, y_pos, window_text)

X_pos is the horizontal position to which you want to move the window. X_pos is measured in points. A point is 1/72nd of an inch.

Y_pos is the vertical position to which you want to move the window. Y_pos in measured in points from the bottom edge of the formula bar to the top edge of the window. If y_pos is omitted, the window does not move vertically.

Window_text specifies which window to restore.


Related Functions

FORMAT.MOVE Moves the selected object

WINDOW.MAXIMIZE Maximizes a window

WINDOW.MINIMIZE Minimizes a window

WINDOW.RESTORE Restores a window to its previous size

WINDOW.SIZE Changes the size of a window

List of Command-Equivalent Functions