Macro Sheets Only
Allows custom commands to be repeated using the Repeat tool or the Repeat command on the Edit menu. Also allows custom commands to be recorded using the macro recorder.
CUSTOM.REPEAT(macro_text, repeat_text, record_text)
Macro_text is the name of, or a reference to, the macro you want to run when the Repeat command is chosen. If macro_text is omitted, no repeat macro is run, but the custom command can still be recorded.
Repeat_text is the text you want to use as the repeat command on the Edit menu (for example, "Repeat Reports"). You can omit repeat_text and macro_text if you only want to record the formula specified by record_text when using the macro recorder.
Record_text is the formula you want to record. For example, if the user chooses a command named Run Reports in Macro 1, the record_text argument would be "=Macro1!RunReports()", where RunReports is the name of the macro called by the Run Reports command.
Tip Place CUSTOM.REPEAT at the end of the macro you will want to repeat. If you place it before the end, then the macro formulas that follow CUSTOM.REPEAT may interfere with the desired effects of CUSTOM.REPEAT. The Repeat tool and the Repeat command continue to change as you choose subsequent commands that can be repeated.
The following macro formula specifies that the macro RepeatReport on the MenuMacros macro sheet in the current workbook will be run when the Repeat Report command is chosen:
CUSTOM.REPEAT("MenuMacros!RepeatReport", "Repeat Report")
Related Function
CUSTOM.UNDO Specifies a macro to run to undo a custom command
List of Customizing Functions