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Checks the spelling of a word. Returns TRUE if the word is spelled correctly; FALSE otherwise.


SPELLING.CHECK(word_text, custom_dic, ignore_uppercase)

Word_text is the word whose spelling you want to check. It can be text or a reference to text.

Custom_dic is the filename of a custom dictionary to examine if the word is not found in the main dictionary.

Ignore_uppercase is a logical value corresponding to the Ignore Words In Uppercase check box. If ignore_uppercase is TRUE, the check box is selected, and Microsoft Excel ignores words in all uppercase letters; if FALSE, the check box is cleared, and Microsoft Excel checks all words; if omitted, the current setting is used.


This function does not have a dialog-box form. To display the Spelling dialog box, use SPELLING.

Related Function

SPELLING Checks the spelling of words in the current selection

List of Command-Equivalent Functions