Macro Sheets Only
Returns the specified information about the scenarios defined on your worksheet.
SCENARIO.GET(type_num, scen_name)
Type_num is a number from 1 to 8 specifying the type of information you want.
Type_num Information returned
1 A horizontal array of all scenario names in the form of text
2 A reference to the set of changing cells of scen_name (specified in the Changing Cells box of the Scenario Manager dialog box). If scen_name is omitted, the first scenario is used.
3 A reference to the result cells (specified in the Result Cells box in the Scenario Summary dialog box)
4 An array of scenario values for the scenario scen_name . Each scenario is in a separate row. If scen_name is omitted, the first scenario is used.
5 Comment, as text, for the scenario
6 Returns TRUE if the specified scenario is locked to prevent changes; FALSE, if unlocked. Scen_name is required.
7 Returns TRUE if the specified scenario is hidden; FALSE, if visible to the user. Scen_name is required.
8 Returns the user name of the person who last modified the scenario by either adding or editing a scenario. Scen_name is required.
Scen_name is the name of the scenario that you want information about. Ignored if type_num equals 1 or 3.
In the returned array of scenario values, the number of rows is the number of scenarios, and the number of columns is the number of changing cells.