Macro Sheets Only
Creates groups within a PivotTable.
PIVOT.FIELD.GROUP(start, end, by, periods)
PIVOT.FIELD.GROUP?(start, end, by, periods)
Start is the beginning date of the range to be grouped. If start is TRUE or omitted, it is assumed to be the first value in the field.
End is the ending date of the range to be grouped. If end is TRUE or omitted it is assumed to be the last value in the field.
By is the size of the groups to be created. If by is omitted, Microsoft Excel chooses a default group size. If grouping a date field and if periods is not 8(days) then by is ignored.
Periods is a number between 1 and 127. It is calculated by summing the values in the following table corresponding to the periods into which you want to group your dates. This argument is ignored if the field is not a date field. This argument takes precedence over By if they are both specified for a date field.
Value Periods
1 Seconds
2 Minutes
4 Hours
8 Days
16 Months
32 Quarters
64 Years
Related Functions
PIVOT.ADD.DATA Adds a field to a PivotTable as a Data Field
PIVOT.ADD.FIELDS Adds fields to a PivotTable
PIVOT.FIELD Pivots fields within a PivotTable
PIVOT.FIELD.PROPERTIES Changes the properties of a field inside a PivotTable
PIVOT.FIELD.UNGROUP Ungroups all selected groups within a PivotTable
PIVOT.ITEM Moves an item within a PivotTable
PIVOT.ITEM.PROPERTIES Changes the properties of an item within a header field
PIVOT.REFRESH Refreshes a PivotTable
PIVOT.SHOW.PAGES Creates new sheets in the workbook containing the active cell
PIVOT.TABLE.WIZARD Creates an empty PivotTable
List of Command-Equivalent Functions