Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Selected Axes command from the Format menu when a chart's axis is selected, and then choosing the Scale tab. There are five syntax forms of this function. Syntax 4 of SCALE applies if the selected axis is a series (y) axis on a 3-D chart. Use this syntax of SCALE to change the position, formatting, and scaling of the series axis.

Syntax 4

Series (y) axis, 3-D chart

SCALE(series_labels, series_marks, reverse)
SCALE?(series_labels, series_marks, reverse)

Series_labels is a number corresponding to the Number Of Series Between Tick Labels text box. The default is 1. Series_labels can also be a logical value. If TRUE, and automatic setting will be used. If FALSE, or omitted, the number will be used.

Series_marks is a number corresponding to the Number Of Series Between Tick Marks text box. The default is 1. Series_marks can also be a logical value. If TRUE, and automatic setting will be used. If FALSE, or omitted, the number will be used.

Reverse is a logical value that corresponds to the Series In Reverse Order check box in the Scale tab. If reverse is TRUE, Microsoft Excel displays the series in reverse order; if FALSE or omitted, Microsoft Excel displays the series normally.

Related Functions

Syntax 1 Changes the position, formatting, and scaling of the category axis in 2-D charts

Syntax 2 Changes the position, formatting, and scaling of the value axis in 2-D charts

Syntax 3 Changes the position, formatting, and scaling of the category axis in 3-D charts

Syntax 5 Changes the position, formatting, and scaling of the value axis in 3-D charts

List of Command-Equivalent Functions