Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Object command from the Format menu when a check box or option button control is selected on a worksheet or dialog sheet. Sets various properties of check box and option box controls.


CHECKBOX.PROPERTIES(value, link, accel_text, 3d_shading, accel_text2)
CHECKBOX.PROPERTIES?(value, link, accel_text, 3d_shading, accel_text2,)

Value is the value of the check box or option button setting that determines whether it is selected or not.

Value Box or Button Setting

0 or FALSE Off

1 or TRUE On

2 Mixed

Link is the cell on the sheet to which the check box or option button value is linked. Whenever one of these two controls is changed, the value of the control is entered into the cell. Similarly, whenever the value in the cell is changed, the setting for the corresponding check box or option button is also changed. To clear the link, set this value to an empty string. For example, entering "TRUE" into a cell linked to a check box will select that check box.

3d_shading is a logical value that specifies whether the check box appears as 3-D. If TRUE, the check box will appear as 3-D. If FALSE or omitted, the check box will not be 3-D. This argument is available for only worksheets.

Accel_text is a text string containing the character to use as the control's accelerator key on a dialog sheet. The character is matched against the text of the control, and the first matching character is underlined. When the user presses ALT+accel_text in Microsoft Excel for Windows or COMMAND+accel_text in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, the control is clicked.

Accel_text2 is a text string containing the second accelerator key on a dialog sheet. This argument is for only Far East versions of Microsoft Excel.


Only controls on dialog sheets can have accelerator keys. Worksheet controls cannot have accelerator keys.

Related Functions

PUSHBUTTON.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of the push button control

EDITBOX.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of an edit box on a worksheet or dialog sheet

LABEL.PROPERTIES Sets the accelerator property of the label and group box control

LISTBOX.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of a list box and drop-down box controls on a worksheet or dialog sheet

List of Customizing Functions