Macro Sheets Only
Equivalent to choosing the Object command from the Format menu when an edit box is selected. Sets the properties of an edit box on a dialog sheet.
EDITBOX.PROPERTIES(validation_num, multiline_logical, vscroll_logical, password_logical)
EDITBOX.PROPERTIES?(validation_num, multiline_logical, vscroll_logical, password_logical)
Validation_num is the validation applied to the edit box when the dialog is dismissed. If the edit box contains a value other than the type specified (or validation), an error is returned.
Validation_num Type
1 Text
2 Integer
3 Number (allows floating point)
4 Reference
5 Formula
Multiline_logical is a logical value specifying whether word wrapping is allowed in the edit box control. If TRUE, word wrapping is allowed. If FALSE, word wrapping is not allowed
Vscroll_logical is a logical value specifying whether edit box displays a vertical scrollbar. If TRUE, a scrollbar is displayed. If FALSE, a scrollbar is not displayed.
Password_logical is a logical value specifying whether edit box displays characters as the user types. If TRUE, asterisks are displayed as the user types.
Related Functions
CHECKBOX.PROPERTIES Sets various properties of check box and option box controls
PUSHBUTTON.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of the push button control
List of Customizing Functions