Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Object command from the Format menu when a list box or drop-down control is selected on a worksheet or dialog sheet. Sets the properties of a list box and drop-down controls on a worksheet or dialog sheet.


LISTBOX.PROPERTIES(range, link, drop_size, multi_select, 3d_shading)
LISTBOX.PROPERTIES?(range, link, drop_size, multi_select, 3d_shading)

Range is the cell range that the initial contents of the list box are taken from. If blank (empty text), the list box is initially unfilled.

Link is the cell on the sheet to which the list box is linked, and indicates the numeric position of the currently selected item in the list box. Whenever an item in the list box is selected, its numeric position is entered into the linked cell on the sheet.

Drop_size is the number of lines shown when a drop-down control is dropped. This value is ignored when applied to a non-drop-down list box.

Multi_select is a number that specifies the selection mode of the list box. Zero is single selection. 1 is simple multi-select. 2 is extended multi-select.

3d_shading is a logical value that specifies whether the list box appears as 3-D. If TRUE, the list box will appear as 3-D. If FALSE or omitted, the list box will not be 3-D. This argument is available for only worksheets.

Related Functions

ADD.LIST.ITEM Adds an item in a list box or drop-down control on a worksheet or dialog sheet control

SELECT.LIST.ITEM Selects an item in a list box or in a group box

CHECKBOX.PROPERTIES Sets various properties of check box and option box controls

SCROLLBAR.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of the scroll bar and spinner controls

PUSHBUTTON.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of the push button control

List of Customizing Functions