Macro Sheets Only

Equivalent to choosing the Object command from the Format menu and changing the value for the active control, such as a list box, drop-down box, check box, option button, scroll bar, and spinner button.



Value is the value you want to change. The control interprets this value as follows:

Control Value is

List box The index of the selected item. If zero, then no item is selected.

Drop-down box The index of the selected item. If zero, then no item is selected.

Check box 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Mixed

Option button 0= Off
1 = On

Scroll bar The numeric value of the control, between the maximum and minimum values

Spinner button The numberic value of the control, between the maximum and minimum values

Related Functions

ADD.LIST.ITEM Adds an item in a list box or drop-down control on a worksheet or dialog sheet control

REMOVE.LIST.ITEM Removes an item in a list box or drop-down box

SELECT.LIST.ITEM Selects an item in a list box or in a group box

CHECKBOX.PROPERTIES Sets various properties of check box and option box controls

SCROLLBAR.PROPERTIES Sets the properties of the scroll bar and spinner controls

List of Customizing Functions