Creating Custom ToolTips

To make Toolbar buttons with custom ToolTips, the easiest way is to add the button to a custom toolbar. This defines the toolbar name and order of the buttons in advance. The Name property of the custom toolbar button is the ToolTip. Here is a code example:

Application.Toolbars("Custom Charts").ToolbarButtons(1).Name = _ "Histogram"

After setting the name, Excel will remember it permanently—until the toolbar is deleted.

To copy a button and insert a gap before the copied button, first insert a gap on the destination

toolbar using the ToolbarButtons.Add method, then copy the button to the position after the new

gap. Toolbars can be saved inside a workbook, making them more transportable. Code can also create new toolbars and assign custom bitmaps to the toolbar buttons. For more information on these topics, see the Add-Ins section.