Introduction To Office Compatible 97

This toolkit contains information that will help you decide whether you want to participate in the Office Compatible program. If so, it will tell you precisely what you must do. The toolkit is organized into the following sections:

  1. Frequently Asked Questions About Office Compatible 97. Contains answers to key questions, so you can decide whether to participate and how to proceed.
  2. Enrolling In Office Compatible 97. Enrolled products that pass testing can display the Office Compatible Logo and participate in Office Compatible marketing opportunities from Microsoft.
  3. Office Compatible 97 Testing Requirements. Explains the tests that enrolled products must pass before they can display the logo and participate in the Office Compatible marketing program.
  4. Pre-Testing Questionnaire. Helps developers review their product to make sure it will pass Office Compatible testing.
  5. Office Compatible 97 Feature Style Guide. Detailed information about every required feature. Products that meet these requirements will pass Office Compatible 97 testing.
  6. Contacting Office Compatible 97. Explains where to go for more information.
  7. Other Resources for Office Compatible 97 Developers. Lists other sources of information for developers of Office Compatible 97 products.