Enrolling In Office Compatible 97

Follow these steps if you wish to enroll your product in Office Compatible 97. Note that only products that are enrolled in the program and that have passed testing are eligible to display the Office Compatible Logo and participate in the Office Compatible marketing program.

  1. Print this topic.
  2. Complete the printed form.
  3. Mail the completed form toMicrosoft Office Compatible Program
    Microsoft Corporation
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052-6399

  4. For more information, send email to OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM
Office Compatible Enrollment Form
Company Information

Company Name
Marketing Contact Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Fax Number
Technical Contact Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Fax Number
Company Web Site (if available):

Please indicate whether your company is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), Microsoft Solution Provider, or Corporate Developer, developing internal solutions for your company:

ð ISV ð Solution Provider ð Corporate Developer

Trademarks and Appropriate Trademark Language for your company and all products you wish to enroll in the Office Compatible Program:

Product Information

(Please fill out this section for each product that you plan to enroll in the Office Compatible Program)

Languages that your product is available in:

Product Name___________________________________________ Version No._____

Product Category (Check all that apply):

š Accounting š Business Diagramming š Business Productivity
š CAD š Charting š Connectivity
š Contact Management š Development Tool š Document Management
š Drawing š Finance š Graphics
š Legal š Healthcare š Manufacturing
š OLE Server š Content š Education
š Sales and Marketing š Add-In (please specify which product) .

š Other (Please Specify):

š File-Based Standalone š Non-File-Based Standalone š Host Required
If your product is an Add-In, please specify which Microsoft Office product it works with:

Please indicate which audience this product is targeted at:

š Medium - Large Organizations (>50) š Small Organizations (<50)
š Home š Other .
Do you require Office Compatible 32 Bit, 16 Bit, or Macintosh Specifications?

Product Description (100 words):





Are you currently developing Office Solutions using VBA, ActiveX controls, or other OLE extensions? (please explain):


If you answered "no" to the question above, would you be interested in receiving information about developing Office Solutions using VBA, ActiveX controls, or other OLE extensions?




The following terms and conditions apply to your participation in the Microsoft Office Compatible Program. Additional terms and conditions for use of toolkits and the Office Compatible logo are set forth in separate license agreements.

Benefits. By participating in the Microsoft Office Compatible Program, you are entitled to the following:

Access to the Microsoft Office Compatible email alias.

Subscription to the Microsoft Office Compatible newsletter.

Invitations to Microsoft Office Compatible and related conferences

Information regarding further terms and conditions for use the Microsoft Office Compatible logo and the Office Compatible Advanced Developer Kit.

Information concerning additional opportunities available to participants in the Microsoft Office Compatible Program.

Obligations. By participating in the Microsoft Office Compatible Program, you agree to the following:

You consent to the use by Microsoft Corporation and its subsidiaries of your company name and product names in advertising, press releases or other marketing efforts with respect to the Microsoft Office Compatible Program, except where you specify in writing that a particular product is in beta and should be kept confidential until a specified date.

You acknowledge that participation in the Microsoft Office Compatible Program gives no right to market products under the Microsoft Office Compatible logo or under the name Microsoft Office Compatible absent applying for and receiving the right to use the Microsoft Office Compatible logo.


These Terms and Conditions relate to the current Microsoft Office Compatible Program which will end upon the next release of the Office Compatible Program. Your participation in any future Microsoft Office Compatible Programs will depend on meeting the terms and conditions in effect for such future programs.

By signing below you agree to the terms and conditions for participation in the Microsoft Office Compatible Program which are set forth above.

Company name: .                Send this completed and signed form to:
By: .                Microsoft Office Compatible Program
Name: .                Microsoft Corporation
Title: .                One Microsoft Way
Date: .                Redmond, WA 98052-6399