Office Compatible 97 Testing Waivers Address Special Circumstances

Although the Office Compatible 97 testing requirements are adapted to the broad product categories we have discussed, further adjustments are sometimes necessary due to the special characteristics of a particular class of products. For example, it is traditional for mainframe connectivity products to support some accelerator key assignments that differ from the Office standard, and so such products are allowed to let the customer decide whether to use the Office standard accelerators or the traditional ones. Other allowances apply to some common product sub-categories, so read Additional Testing Provisions For Some Products after you have read the general Office Compatible 97 testing requirements that apply to your product.

In addition, some products are so specialized that the standard Office features cannot be applied to them without special changes. And in some cases, a particular Office feature may not apply at all. In such cases, please contact the Office Compatible program to discuss the special circumstances that affect your product plans. We will grant special waivers from the standard testing requirements if we believe they are justified by the Office user's welfare. Send email to : OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM.