Microsoft Intellimouse™

In 1996, Microsoft will introduce the Intellimouse ™, a new version of its mouse which will dramatically improve the ease with which Office can be used. We believe that Office customers will quickly come to rely on the Intellimouse ™ to perform routine operations faster, easier, and more powerfully. We also believe that Office customers will expect these new navigation methods to be supported in other products too, particularly those they use with Office. So as a general rule, Office Compatible 97 products must support the Intellimouse ™. Some exceptions exist, however, so read Office Compatible 97 Testing Requirements to determine whether this requirement applies to your product.

Microsoft believes that the requirement to include Intellimouse ™ support in Office Compatible products will benefit Office customers by assuring them that their new navigation skills will be seamlessly and consistently supported in the products they use with Office. In addition, Microsoft hopes the anticipated enthusiasm for the Intellimouse ™ will quickly spread to Office Compatible products, too.

To work with the Intellimouse ™, a product must support a few additional, mouse-generated Windows messages, and it must make some relatively minor changes to the standard Windows user interface during some common navigation operations. Although the time required to make these changes will vary from one product to another, initial results suggest that Intellimouse ™ support can be included in 3 to 5 days in most cases. In other words, Intellimouse ™ support should not pose a major technical problem for most Office Compatible 97 products.

When this Office Compatible 97 toolkit was released to manufacturing in the Spring of 1996, the Microsoft Intellimouse ™ was still confidential, and so the technical information needed to support it could not be included here. A complete Intellimouse ™ SDK will be included in the Office Compatible 97 toolkit that will be shipped on the October version of the Microsoft Developer Network CD's (MSDN). So, look for complete Intellimouse ™ technical information there.

In the meantime, Microsoft will release the Intellimouse ™ SDK and sample mice on a limited and confidential basis to vendors whose products meet certain criteria. If your product meets the following criteria, we encourage you to apply for a pre-release version of the Intellimouse ™ SDK:

Product is enrolled in the Office Compatible 97 program (see Enrolling In Office Compatible 97)

Product will be released before the end of 1996.

Product must support Intellimouse ™ to participate in Office Compatible 97 (see Office Compatible 97 Testing Requirements). In other words, the SDK will not be pre-released to products that cannot support it (e.g., most add-ins).

If your product meets these criteria and you would like to apply for a pre-release version of the Microsoft Intellimouse ™ SDK, please contact the Office Compatible program by sending email to OFFCOMP@MICROSOFT.COM.