Standard Office Compatible 97 Main Menu Entries

As illustrated below, the Office Compatible 97 main menu bar contains a standard set of entries, whose names, locations, and accelerator keys are standardized. The menu bar also includes a special location for application-specific entries, which vary from one product to another.

Figure 1. The Office Compatible 97 Main Menu Bar and Accelerator Keys

Menu Name: File

Location: The left-most item on the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Accelerator Key: ALT+F

Office Compatible Contents: New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Page Setup, Print Preview, Print, Most Recently Used List, Exit. See Office Compatible 97 Dropdown Menus for more information.

Testing Status: Mandatory for File-Based Standalone applications. Other applications that include a File menu entry (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Edit

Location: The second entry from the left end of the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Accelerator Key: ALT+E

Office Compatible Contents: Undo, Repeat/Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste. See Office Compatible 97 Dropdown Menus for more information.

Testing Status: Mandatory for File-Based Standalone applications. Other applications that include an Edit menu entry (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: View

Location: The third entry from the left end of the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1. If File or Edit is not supported, then View should be shifted to the left as necessary to fill the bar.

Accelerator Key: ALT+V

Office Compatible Contents: Not required, but products that support View are strongly encouraged to include entries that correspond to the Office menu's contents.

Testing Status: The View entry is not mandatory, but applications that include it (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Insert

Location: The fourth entry from the left end of the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1. If File, Edit, or View is not supported, then Insert should be shifted to the left as necessary to fill the bar.

Accelerator Key: ALT+I

Office Compatible Contents: None required, but products that support Insert are strongly encouraged to include entries that correspond to the Office menu's contents.

Testing Status: The Insert entry is not mandatory, but applications that include it (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Format

Location: The fifth entry from the left end of the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1. If File, Edit, View, or Insert is not supported, then Format should be shifted to the left as necessary to fill the bar.

Accelerator Key: ALT+O

Office Compatible Contents: None required, but products that support Format are strongly encouraged to include entries that correspond to the Office menu's contents.

Testing Status: The Format entry is not mandatory, but applications that include it (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Tools

Location: The sixth entry from the left end of the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1. If File, Edit, View, Insert, or Format is not supported, then Tools should be shifted to the left as necessary to fill the bar.

Accelerator Key: ALT+T

Office Compatible Contents: None required, but products that support Tools are strongly encouraged to include entries that correspond to the Office menu's contents.

Testing Status: The Tools entry is not mandatory, but applications that include it (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Window

Location: The second entry from the right end of the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1. If Help is not supported, then Window Tools should be shifted to the right as necessary to fill the bar.

Accelerator Key: ALT+W

Office Compatible Contents: None required, but products that support Window are strongly encouraged to include entries that correspond to the Office menu's contents.

Testing Status: The Window entry is not mandatory, but applications that include it (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Help

Location: The right-most entry in the menu bar, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Accelerator Key: ALT+H

Office Compatible Contents: <Application_Name> Help, About <Application_Name>. See Office Compatible 97 Dropdown Menus for more information.

Testing Status: The Help entry is mandatory for File-Based and Non-File-Based Standalone applications. Other applications that include it (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.