Edit Dropdown Menu Entries

As illustrated below, the Office Compatible 97 Edit Dropdown Menu contains several entries, whose names, locations, and accelerator keys are standardized.

Figure 3. Edit Dropdown Menu

Menu Name: Edit->Undo

Location: See Figure 3.

Accelerator Key: CTRL+Z

Purpose: Undoes the last command that was executed

Testing Status: Not required, but applications that include Undo (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Edit->Repeat/Redo

Location: See Figure 3.

Accelerator Key: CTRL+Y

Purpose: Repeats the last command (or re-does the last command that was undone)

Testing Status: Not required, but applications that include Repeat or Redo (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Edit->Cut

Location: See Figure 3.

Accelerator Key: CTRL+X

Purpose: Cuts the current selection from a document (or comparable application-specific object), and places it on the Windows clipboard.

Testing Status: Mandatory for File-Based Standalone applications. Other applications that include Cut (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Edit->Copy

Location: See Figure 3.

Accelerator Key: CTRL+C

Purpose: Copies the current selection, and places it on the Windows clipboard.

Testing Status: Mandatory for File-Based Standalone applications. Other applications that include Copy (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.

Menu Name: Edit->Paste

Location: See Figure 3.

Accelerator Key: CTRL+V

Purpose: Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard at the current insertion point in a document (or comparable application-specific object).

Testing Status: Mandatory for File-Based Standalone applications. Other applications that include New (or a substantially comparable entry) must use the standard name, location, and accelerator key.