The native data for Embedded objects (OBJs) is stored similarly to pictures (PICs). To locate the native data for Embedded objects, scan the plc of field codes for the mother, header, footnote and annotation, textbox and header textbox documents (fib.PlcffldMom/Hdr/Ftn/Atn/Txbx/HdrTxbx). For each separator field, get the chp.
If chp.fSpec=1 and chp.fObj=1, then this separator field has an associated embedded object. The file location of the object data is stored in chp.fcObj. At the specified location an object header is stored followed by the native data for the object. See the _OBJHEADER structure.
If chp.fOle2=1, then this separator field has an associated OLE2 object. The fcPic will be a unique integer that specifies the name of the object's sub-storage instead of an offset into the data stream.