BIN TABLESA bin table (plcfbte) partitions the total extent of the Word file that contains text characters into a set of contiguous intervals marked by a fcFirst and an fcLim. The fcFirst for the nth interval would be plcfbte.rgfc[n] and the fcLim for the nth interval would be plcfbte.rgfc[n+1]. Associated with each interval is a BTE. A BTE holds a four-byte PN (page number) which identifies the FKP page in the file which contains the formatting information for that interval. A CHPX FKP further partitions an interval into runs of exception text. A PAPX FKP in a non-complex, full-saved file, partitions the text within intervals into paragraphs. If a file is in complex format (has been fast-saved), the PAPX FKP only records the FCs within the text that are preceded by a paragraph mark. Even though a sequence of text may be physically located between two paragraph end marks, it may reside in a paragraph different from the one defined by the following paragraph end mark, because the text may have been moved by the user into a different paragraph. In the logical text stream represented by the document's piece table, the paragraph mark that follows the moved text is stored in a non-adjacent physical location in the file.