BreaK Descriptor (BKD)

00ipgdshort  except in textbox BKD, index to PGD in plfpgd that describes the page this break is on.
00itxbxsshort  in textbox BKD,
22dcpDependshort  number of cp's considered for this break; note that the CP's described by cpDepend in this break reside in the next BKD
  icol uns short:800FF 
  fTableBreak uns short:10100when 1, this indicates that this is a table break.
  fColumnBreakuns short:10200when 1, this indicates that this is a column break.
  fMarked uns short:10400used temporarily while word is running.
  fUnkuns short:10800in textbox BKD, when == 1 indicates cpLim of this textbox is not valid
  fTextOverflowuns short:11000in textbox BKD, when == 1 indicates that text overflows the end of this textbox

cbBKD (count of bytes of BKD) is 6.