BooKmark First descriptor (BKF)

00ibklshort  index to BKL entry in plcfbkl that describes the ending position of this bookmark in the CP stream.
22itcFirstuns short:7007Fwhen bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to the first column of a table column bookmark.
  fPubuns short:10080when 1, this indicates that this bookmark is marking the range of a Macintosh Publisher section.
  itcLimuns short:77F00when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to limit column of a table column bookmark.
  fColuns short:18000when 1, this bookmark marks a range of columns in a table specified by [bkf.itcFirst, bkf.itcLim).

cbBKF (count of bytes of BKF) is 4.